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The Organizing Committee of the FAMSA Conference on War, AIDS and the African Child invites the general public to submit abstracts for paper presentation during the conference. The Abstract must be on a topic related to the Conference theme/sub themes.

Length: Not more than 500 words
Mode of Presentation: Oral/Poster
Submission Deadline: September 10, 2004

Authors are required  to provide the following information with their abstract:

  • Full Name and title

  • Address (Including phone number)

Abstracts are to be typed (double spaced) and sent as an email attachment to famsaarchives@yahoo.com 

CALL FOR PAPERS / ARTICLES:  Wars, AIDS and the African Child Edition of AFROMEDICA.

AFROMEDICA is the official journal of the Federation of African Medical Students Associations (FAMSA), the umbrella organization through which African Medical Students Contribute in the Campaign and advocacy for better healthcare delivery in Africa.

Scientists, researchers, doctors and medical students are invited to submit papers / articles for publication in the special edition (Wars, AIDS and the African Child Edition) of the official journal of FAMSA, that will be published to mark the 2004 FAMSA Regional Conference, holding from October 25 - 29, 2004 at the College of Medicine, University of Ibadan, Ibadan in Nigeria.

FAMSA Editorial board seeks contributions of new information on
Wars, AIDS and  Children especially how they relate to Africa. Also considered are those that will educate, inform and entertain the journal’s readers. That broad welcome defines a journal that will also consider articles on scientific side of arts and humanities, as every science touches art at some points.

Manuscripts should conform to the "uniform requirements for manuscripts submitted to biomedical journals a document issued by the international committee of medical journal editors and published in the British Medical Journal (BMJ 1991: 302: 338 – 41). The title page should include the full title of the article and names of authors along with degrees / title / affiliations and level of study for medical students. A complete address (postal and e-mail) and daytime telephone number should be included for the designated corresponding authors.

Recent references are preferred, authors are encouraged to provide illustrations (e.g. photographs, diagrams etc) to accompany articles.

Papers / articles are to be submitted by e – mail to: famsaarchives@yahoo.com

For those without access to the website, articles / papers may be submitted, typed, double – spaced, along with (if available) a computer disk containing a text copy of the article.

All submissions should be sent to:
The Editor in Chief,
FAMSA Editorial Board,
DW5, Alexander Brown Hall,
UCH, Ibadan, Nigeria.
e-mail: famsaarchives@yahoo.com
Website: http://famsa.8m.net

Please, send to us as soon as you receive this message, news of events in your country that you think might have a wider interest - news about medicine, biomedical research, policy issues and people. It also includes news about your medical association as well as events coming up.

"It pays to advertise in AFROMEDICA"



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